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Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Algorithm is a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. The reason why algorithms should be studied is because it does not rely specifically on technology. Algorithms do not require you to know Java or C++ or whatever technology comes out tomorrow. It requires that you have an understanding of the concept of the steps that are involved to solve a problem for a given set of programming languages with common features. The topic of algorithms is important in computer science because it allows for analysis on different ways to compute things and ultimately come up with the best way to solve a particular problem. By best we mean one that consumes the least amount of resources or has the fastest running time.
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course

From this course, students will learn about some basic types of algorithms used in computer science. They will mainly learn different sorting and searching algorithms, graph algorithms, greedy and dynamic programming algorithms. In addition, they will gather knowledge about analyzing the complexity of any algorithmic problem. This course will help the students to develop an understanding of how to solve a problem by first mapping it to any known algorithm or problem domain. .

Given the analytical nature of the course, most of the classes will be modeled as lectures given by the instructor, juxtaposed with questions and clarifications from the students. Students will be required to do a significant amount of reading. For best results, students should read the textbook prior to coming to class, actively listen in the lectures, and revise the topics once they go back from class. A list of topics to be covered, along with an expected timeline, will be provided in class in order to facilitate this.
Books to be followed:

#1 CLRS - Introduction to Algorithms, By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein. ISBN: 9780262033848

#2 HSR - Computer Algorithms, By Ellis Horowitz , Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran. ISBN: 9780929306414


Students must pass CSE220 Data-Structures course.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Moin Mostakim

Instructor member #1

Najeefa Nikhat Choudhury

Instructor member #2

Rubayat Ahmed Khan

Instructor member #3

Course Staff Image #3

A.M. Esfar-E- Alam

Instructor member #4

Mujtahid Al-Islam Akon

Instructor member #5

Trisha Das

Instructor member #6

Shaily Roy

Instructor member #7

Course Staff Image #7

Fahim Ferdous

Instructor member #8

Course Staff Image #8

Aritro Roy Arko

Instructor member #9

Course Staff Image #9

Rayhan Rashed

Instructor member #10

Course Staff Image #10

Sadman Amin

Instructor member #11

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Enrollment in this course is by invitation only