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Enrollment is Closed

EEE366: Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab is a senior-level course that discusses the application and programming of microcontrollers using embedded C language with Interfacing
Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

The contents that will be covered in this course are:

1. Input/Output of Digital Data

2. Interrupts

3. Timer/Counters

4. Peripheral Interfacing

Course Instructors

Dr. S M Rafi-Ul-Islam

Assistant Professor, Department of EEE,

Brac University

Md. Rakibul Hasan

Lecturer, Department of EEE,

Brac University

Mahmudul Islam

Lecturer, Department of EEE,

Brac University

Nahid Hossain Taz

Lecturer, Department of EEE,

Brac University

Enrollment is Closed